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sábado, 22 de abril de 2017

Petición e-1044 al Gobierno de Canadá

[caption id="attachment_369" align="alignright" width="300"] © Saffron Blaze[/caption]

Desde Calgary llega la petición e-1044 al gobierno de Canadá, la cual busca el congelamiento de los bienes perteneciantes tanto al gobierno de Venezuela como a sus oficiales gubernamentales actualmente al mando. La petición ya ha conseguido el patrocinio de Tom Kmiec, Miembro del Parlamente por el distrito federal de Calgary Sheppard.  La peticion esta abierta para ser firmada por cualquier ciudadano o residente canadiense. Al momento de escribir esta nota, la petición cuenta con 1250 firmas validadas.

A continuacion el texto de la petición:

Petition to the Government of Canada


  • The constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has been violated, as has been publicly acknowledged by the National Prosecutor of Venezuela, Luisa Ortega Diaz, and thus the rule of law has ceased to exist;

  • The Nicolas Maduro regime has killed unarmed citizens peacefully exercising their constitutional right to protest;

  • The Venezuelan government has armed lawless paramilitary gangs to crush any opposition and has used tear gas on the public and on elected officials;

  • The Venezuelan government has imprisoned many like Leopoldo Lopez, Daniel Ceballos, and hundreds of students without due process; and

  • The dictatorial Maduro regime has censored media coverage of these human rights abuses as recognized by the OAS, the UN Human Rights Committee, and the UN Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights.

We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the House of Commons in Parliament assembled to:

1. Freeze the financial assets of the government of Venezuela, including its commercial and refinery accounts, until the Maduro regime allows the democratic will of the people to prevail;

2. Freeze the assets of the officials currently holding federal office in Venezuela and revoke their Canadian visas, until the Maduro regime releases their political prisoners.

Enlance a la petición: https://petitions.parl.gc.ca/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-1044

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